The Kofel has the events
Discover a variety of exciting events and activities at the Kofel in the coming weeks and months.
Last ascent with the Patscherkofel cable car at 10.00 p.m.
We are looking forward to your visit!
Meeting point: 6:00 PM at the valley station of the Patscherkofel cable car.
(Or directly on the mountain - but please let Moni know).
Practising in the sunset on the mountain is a very special experience - for body, mind and soul. We practise Hatha Vinyasa Yoga. Take along your own yoga mat. Sundown Yoga takes place in the beautiful Patscherkofel seminar room in the Patscherkofel cable car mountain station.
- 6:30 PM to 7:45 PM (75 min)
- € 18.00 per person or validate block of 10 (€ 155.00 / valid for all yoga classes of Moni - at the Patscherkofel or in Zirl) - exclusive ticket for the Patscherkofel cable car.
Only with registration - takes place for max. 18 participants.
Registration and payment with:
Moni Brachmayer-Jauk
+43 (0) 699 - 180 13000,
Discounted yoga tickets for the ascent and descent with the Patscherkofel cable car of -30%:
- € 20.50 per adult
- € 19.00 per senior
- € 18.00 per youth
- € 11.50 per child
Tickets are available at the Patscherkofelbahn ticket office. The Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.
Patscherkofelbahn operating hours: every Thursday 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM.
The parking costs will be refunded.
ATEM TRIFFT KREATIVEN FLOW. Bist du bereit neue Energien freizulegen? Kraftvolle Atemtechniken (aus dem restorative breathing) unterstützen dich dabei – vom Kopf in deinen Körper zu kommen. Durch die bewusste, tiefe und aktivierende Atmung werden innere Blockaden, sowie Verspannungen gelöst und neue Energie freigelegt. Diese Power schenkt dir die Möglichkeit, im Anschluss – in einem kreativen Flow tiefer zu tauchen. Du wünschst dir einen Perspektivenwechsel? Bist bereit deine Wirkungskraft (wieder) zu entdecken? Du warst schon eine Weile nicht mehr kreativ? Sehnst dich nach neuen Ideen und Projekten? Hast das Gefühl, dass dich aktuell noch etwas zurückhält? Spürst den Wunsch nach einem tieferen Kennenlernen deiner Selbst? Du möchtest deinem Innen Ausdruck verleihen? Dann sei dabei, wenn sich Atem, Kreativität und Musik treffen – in …
THE POWER OF BREATH. Ganz nach dem Motto „Kopf aus – Einfach Tun“ – laden wir dich dazu ein, Neues zu probieren und deine inneren Kräfte zu aktivieren.
Anmeldung Katharina Lutteri Kostenbeitrag € 59,- pro Person
Treffpunkt: 09.00 Uhr bei der Talstation der Patscherkofelbahn
Ermäßigte Tickets für die Berg- und Talfahrt mit der Patscherkofelbahn von –30%: € 20,50 pro Erwachsener € 19,00 pro Senior € 18,00 pro Jugend € 11,50 pro Kind
Die Tickets sind bei der Kassa der Patscherkofelbahn erhältlich. Das Freizeitticket Tirol ist gültig. Betriebszeit Patscherkofelbahn: 09.00 – 17.00 Uhr Die Parkplatzkosten werden refundiert.
Meeting point: 10.00 AM at the valley station of the Patscherkofel cable car.
(Or directly on the mountain - but please let Moni know).
The best programme for a balanced, relaxing Sunday:
Sleep in - practice yoga on the mountain - and afterwards enjoy the fantastic view and a feeling of peace & freedom.
A morning yoga practice on the mountain is a particularly beautiful way to start the Sunday.
Without pressure to perform, without that certain "leisure time stress"!
We practice Hatha Vinyasa Yoga. Take along your own yoga mat. Sunday Morning Yoga takes place in the beautiful Patscherkofel seminar room in the Patscherkofel cable car mountain station.
- 10.30 to 11.45 PM (75 min)
- € 18.00 per person or validate block of 10 (€ 155.00 / valid for all yoga classes of Moni - at the Patscherkofel or in Zirl) - exclusive ticket for the Patscherkofel cable car.
Only with registration - for max. 18 participants.
Registration and payment with:
Moni Brachmayer-Jauk
+43 (0) 699 - 180 13000,
Discounted yoga tickets for the ascent and descent with the Patscherkofel cable car of -30%:
- € 20.50 per adult
- € 19.00 per senior
- € 18.00 per youth
- € 11.50 per child
Tickets are available at the Patscherkofelbahn ticket office. The Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.
Patscherkofelbahn operating hours: 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM.
The parking costs will be refunded.
Last ascent with the Patscherkofel cable car at 10.00 p.m.
We are looking forward to your visit!
Meeting point: 6:00 PM at the valley station of the Patscherkofel cable car.
(Or directly on the mountain - but please let Moni know).
Practising in the sunset on the mountain is a very special experience - for body, mind and soul. We practise Hatha Vinyasa Yoga. Take along your own yoga mat. Sundown Yoga takes place in the beautiful Patscherkofel seminar room in the Patscherkofel cable car mountain station.
- 6:30 PM to 7:45 PM (75 min)
- € 18.00 per person or validate block of 10 (€ 155.00 / valid for all yoga classes of Moni - at the Patscherkofel or in Zirl) - exclusive ticket for the Patscherkofel cable car.
Only with registration - takes place for max. 18 participants.
Registration and payment with:
Moni Brachmayer-Jauk
+43 (0) 699 - 180 13000,
Discounted yoga tickets for the ascent and descent with the Patscherkofel cable car of -30%:
- € 20.50 per adult
- € 19.00 per senior
- € 18.00 per youth
- € 11.50 per child
Tickets are available at the Patscherkofelbahn ticket office. The Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.
Patscherkofelbahn operating hours: every Thursday 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM.
The parking costs will be refunded.
Meeting point: 10.00 AM at the valley station of the Patscherkofel cable car.
(Or directly on the mountain - but please let Moni know).
The best programme for a balanced, relaxing Sunday:
Sleep in - practice yoga on the mountain - and afterwards enjoy the fantastic view and a feeling of peace & freedom.
A morning yoga practice on the mountain is a particularly beautiful way to start the Sunday.
Without pressure to perform, without that certain "leisure time stress"!
We practice Hatha Vinyasa Yoga. Take along your own yoga mat. Sunday Morning Yoga takes place in the beautiful Patscherkofel seminar room in the Patscherkofel cable car mountain station.
- 10.30 to 11.45 PM (75 min)
- € 18.00 per person or validate block of 10 (€ 155.00 / valid for all yoga classes of Moni - at the Patscherkofel or in Zirl) - exclusive ticket for the Patscherkofel cable car.
Only with registration - for max. 18 participants.
Registration and payment with:
Moni Brachmayer-Jauk
+43 (0) 699 - 180 13000,
Discounted yoga tickets for the ascent and descent with the Patscherkofel cable car of -30%:
- € 20.50 per adult
- € 19.00 per senior
- € 18.00 per youth
- € 11.50 per child
Tickets are available at the Patscherkofelbahn ticket office. The Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.
Patscherkofelbahn operating hours: 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM.
The parking costs will be refunded.
Last ascent with the Patscherkofel cable car at 10.00 p.m.
We are looking forward to your visit!
Meeting point: 6:00 PM at the valley station of the Patscherkofel cable car.
(Or directly on the mountain - but please let Moni know).
Practising in the sunset on the mountain is a very special experience - for body, mind and soul. We practise Hatha Vinyasa Yoga. Take along your own yoga mat. Sundown Yoga takes place in the beautiful Patscherkofel seminar room in the Patscherkofel cable car mountain station.
- 6:30 PM to 7:45 PM (75 min)
- € 18.00 per person or validate block of 10 (€ 155.00 / valid for all yoga classes of Moni - at the Patscherkofel or in Zirl) - exclusive ticket for the Patscherkofel cable car.
Only with registration - takes place for max. 18 participants.
Registration and payment with:
Moni Brachmayer-Jauk
+43 (0) 699 - 180 13000,
Discounted yoga tickets for the ascent and descent with the Patscherkofel cable car of -30%:
- € 20.50 per adult
- € 19.00 per senior
- € 18.00 per youth
- € 11.50 per child
Tickets are available at the Patscherkofelbahn ticket office. The Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.
Patscherkofelbahn operating hours: every Thursday 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM.
The parking costs will be refunded.
Meeting point: 10.00 AM at the valley station of the Patscherkofel cable car.
(Or directly on the mountain - but please let Moni know).
The best programme for a balanced, relaxing Sunday:
Sleep in - practice yoga on the mountain - and afterwards enjoy the fantastic view and a feeling of peace & freedom.
A morning yoga practice on the mountain is a particularly beautiful way to start the Sunday.
Without pressure to perform, without that certain "leisure time stress"!
We practice Hatha Vinyasa Yoga. Take along your own yoga mat. Sunday Morning Yoga takes place in the beautiful Patscherkofel seminar room in the Patscherkofel cable car mountain station.
- 10.30 to 11.45 PM (75 min)
- € 18.00 per person or validate block of 10 (€ 155.00 / valid for all yoga classes of Moni - at the Patscherkofel or in Zirl) - exclusive ticket for the Patscherkofel cable car.
Only with registration - for max. 18 participants.
Registration and payment with:
Moni Brachmayer-Jauk
+43 (0) 699 - 180 13000,
Discounted yoga tickets for the ascent and descent with the Patscherkofel cable car of -30%:
- € 20.50 per adult
- € 19.00 per senior
- € 18.00 per youth
- € 11.50 per child
Tickets are available at the Patscherkofelbahn ticket office. The Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.
Patscherkofelbahn operating hours: 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM.
The parking costs will be refunded.
Last ascent with the Patscherkofel cable car at 10.00 p.m.
We are looking forward to your visit!
At 10. & 17. October 2024 in the restaurant "Das Kofel".
Zum Vorglühen ein Glühwein auf der Terrasse
Zum Starten verschiedene Aufstriche mit hausgemachtem Brot
Zum Aufwärmen Kürbiscremesuppe mit Sahnehäubchen und Kernöl oder
Tiroler Gerstelsuppe mit Selchfleisch
Zum Durchstarten Ofenfreischer Schweinsbraten, Geselchte Bauchrippen, Hauswurst, Speck-Sauerkraut, Serviettenschnitten
Zum Schluss Bauernkrapfen, Kastanien, Nüsse, Mandarinen
Vegetarische Alternative (auf Vorbestellung)
- Bergkäsnocken in Nussbutter geschwenkt auf Urgemüse und Parmesanspäne
More Infos & online reservation at
Meeting point: 6:00 PM at the valley station of the Patscherkofel cable car.
(Or directly on the mountain - but please let Moni know).
Practising in the sunset on the mountain is a very special experience - for body, mind and soul. We practise Hatha Vinyasa Yoga. Take along your own yoga mat. Sundown Yoga takes place in the beautiful Patscherkofel seminar room in the Patscherkofel cable car mountain station.
- 6:30 PM to 7:45 PM (75 min)
- € 18.00 per person or validate block of 10 (€ 155.00 / valid for all yoga classes of Moni - at the Patscherkofel or in Zirl) - exclusive ticket for the Patscherkofel cable car.
Only with registration - takes place for max. 18 participants.
Registration and payment with:
Moni Brachmayer-Jauk
+43 (0) 699 - 180 13000,
Discounted yoga tickets for the ascent and descent with the Patscherkofel cable car of -30%:
- € 20.50 per adult
- € 19.00 per senior
- € 18.00 per youth
- € 11.50 per child
Tickets are available at the Patscherkofelbahn ticket office. The Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.
Patscherkofelbahn operating hours: every Thursday 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM.
The parking costs will be refunded.
Meeting point: 10.00 AM at the valley station of the Patscherkofel cable car.
(Or directly on the mountain - but please let Moni know).
The best programme for a balanced, relaxing Sunday:
Sleep in - practice yoga on the mountain - and afterwards enjoy the fantastic view and a feeling of peace & freedom.
A morning yoga practice on the mountain is a particularly beautiful way to start the Sunday.
Without pressure to perform, without that certain "leisure time stress"!
We practice Hatha Vinyasa Yoga. Take along your own yoga mat. Sunday Morning Yoga takes place in the beautiful Patscherkofel seminar room in the Patscherkofel cable car mountain station.
- 10.30 to 11.45 PM (75 min)
- € 18.00 per person or validate block of 10 (€ 155.00 / valid for all yoga classes of Moni - at the Patscherkofel or in Zirl) - exclusive ticket for the Patscherkofel cable car.
Only with registration - for max. 18 participants.
Registration and payment with:
Moni Brachmayer-Jauk
+43 (0) 699 - 180 13000,
Discounted yoga tickets for the ascent and descent with the Patscherkofel cable car of -30%:
- € 20.50 per adult
- € 19.00 per senior
- € 18.00 per youth
- € 11.50 per child
Tickets are available at the Patscherkofelbahn ticket office. The Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.
Patscherkofelbahn operating hours: 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM.
The parking costs will be refunded.
Last ascent with the Patscherkofel cable car at 10.00 p.m.
We are looking forward to your visit!
At 10. & 17. October 2024 in the restaurant "Das Kofel".
Zum Vorglühen ein Glühwein auf der Terrasse
Zum Starten verschiedene Aufstriche mit hausgemachtem Brot
Zum Aufwärmen Kürbiscremesuppe mit Sahnehäubchen und Kernöl oder
Tiroler Gerstelsuppe mit Selchfleisch
Zum Durchstarten Ofenfreischer Schweinsbraten, Geselchte Bauchrippen, Hauswurst, Speck-Sauerkraut, Serviettenschnitten
Zum Schluss Bauernkrapfen, Kastanien, Nüsse, Mandarinen
Vegetarische Alternative (auf Vorbestellung)
- Bergkäsnocken in Nussbutter geschwenkt auf Urgemüse und Parmesanspäne
Weitere Infos & online Reservierung unter
Meeting point: 6:00 PM at the valley station of the Patscherkofel cable car.
(Or directly on the mountain - but please let Moni know).
Practising in the sunset on the mountain is a very special experience - for body, mind and soul. We practise Hatha Vinyasa Yoga. Take along your own yoga mat. Sundown Yoga takes place in the beautiful Patscherkofel seminar room in the Patscherkofel cable car mountain station.
- 6:30 PM to 7:45 PM (75 min)
- € 18.00 per person or validate block of 10 (€ 155.00 / valid for all yoga classes of Moni - at the Patscherkofel or in Zirl) - exclusive ticket for the Patscherkofel cable car.
Only with registration - takes place for max. 18 participants.
Registration and payment with:
Moni Brachmayer-Jauk
+43 (0) 699 - 180 13000,
Discounted yoga tickets for the ascent and descent with the Patscherkofel cable car of -30%:
- € 20.50 per adult
- € 19.00 per senior
- € 18.00 per youth
- € 11.50 per child
Tickets are available at the Patscherkofelbahn ticket office. The Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.
Patscherkofelbahn operating hours: every Thursday 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM.
The parking costs will be refunded.
Meeting point: 10.00 AM at the valley station of the Patscherkofel cable car.
(Or directly on the mountain - but please let Moni know).
The best programme for a balanced, relaxing Sunday:
Sleep in - practice yoga on the mountain - and afterwards enjoy the fantastic view and a feeling of peace & freedom.
A morning yoga practice on the mountain is a particularly beautiful way to start the Sunday.
Without pressure to perform, without that certain "leisure time stress"!
We practice Hatha Vinyasa Yoga. Take along your own yoga mat. Sunday Morning Yoga takes place in the beautiful Patscherkofel seminar room in the Patscherkofel cable car mountain station.
- 10.30 to 11.45 PM (75 min)
- € 18.00 per person or validate block of 10 (€ 155.00 / valid for all yoga classes of Moni - at the Patscherkofel or in Zirl) - exclusive ticket for the Patscherkofel cable car.
Only with registration - for max. 18 participants.
Registration and payment with:
Moni Brachmayer-Jauk
+43 (0) 699 - 180 13000,
Discounted yoga tickets for the ascent and descent with the Patscherkofel cable car of -30%:
- € 20.50 per adult
- € 19.00 per senior
- € 18.00 per youth
- € 11.50 per child
Tickets are available at the Patscherkofelbahn ticket office. The Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.
Patscherkofelbahn operating hours: 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM.
The parking costs will be refunded.
Last ascent with the Patscherkofel cable car at 10.00 p.m.
We are looking forward to your visit!
Meeting point: 6:00 PM at the valley station of the Patscherkofel cable car.
(Or directly on the mountain - but please let Moni know).
Practising in the sunset on the mountain is a very special experience - for body, mind and soul. We practise Hatha Vinyasa Yoga. Take along your own yoga mat. Sundown Yoga takes place in the beautiful Patscherkofel seminar room in the Patscherkofel cable car mountain station.
- 6:30 PM to 7:45 PM (75 min)
- € 18.00 per person or validate block of 10 (€ 155.00 / valid for all yoga classes of Moni - at the Patscherkofel or in Zirl) - exclusive ticket for the Patscherkofel cable car.
Only with registration - takes place for max. 18 participants.
Registration and payment with:
Moni Brachmayer-Jauk
+43 (0) 699 - 180 13000,
Discounted yoga tickets for the ascent and descent with the Patscherkofel cable car of -30%:
- € 20.50 per adult
- € 19.00 per senior
- € 18.00 per youth
- € 11.50 per child
Tickets are available at the Patscherkofelbahn ticket office. The Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.
Patscherkofelbahn operating hours: every Thursday 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM.
The parking costs will be refunded.
Meeting point: 10.00 AM at the valley station of the Patscherkofel cable car.
(Or directly on the mountain - but please let Moni know).
The best programme for a balanced, relaxing Sunday:
Sleep in - practice yoga on the mountain - and afterwards enjoy the fantastic view and a feeling of peace & freedom.
A morning yoga practice on the mountain is a particularly beautiful way to start the Sunday.
Without pressure to perform, without that certain "leisure time stress"!
We practice Hatha Vinyasa Yoga. Take along your own yoga mat. Sunday Morning Yoga takes place in the beautiful Patscherkofel seminar room in the Patscherkofel cable car mountain station.
- 10.30 to 11.45 PM (75 min)
- € 18.00 per person or validate block of 10 (€ 155.00 / valid for all yoga classes of Moni - at the Patscherkofel or in Zirl) - exclusive ticket for the Patscherkofel cable car.
Only with registration - for max. 18 participants.
Registration and payment with:
Moni Brachmayer-Jauk
+43 (0) 699 - 180 13000,
Discounted yoga tickets for the ascent and descent with the Patscherkofel cable car of -30%:
- € 20.50 per adult
- € 19.00 per senior
- € 18.00 per youth
- € 11.50 per child
Tickets are available at the Patscherkofelbahn ticket office. The Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.
Patscherkofelbahn operating hours: 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM.
The parking costs will be refunded.