Daily values

Data: Patscherkofel mountain station (2000m)
DateFriday, February 14, 2025
Weather statusLight snowfall, mostly cloudy
Snowdepth70 cm
New snow7 cm

Summary of today's weather forecast

Little sun and light to moderate rain. From early morning till noon, expect overcast conditions. From from noon on up to the first half of the night, expect cloudy and cold weather conditions with widespread snowfall. Around midnight, it should snow at times from fairly dense clouds. Daily sum of fresh snow in the order of magnitude 2 - 5 cm, snow line 700 - 1300 m. Approximately 0 - 0.5 h sunshine. Wind 15 - 20 km/h from main wind direction south. Temperatures -6 up to 0 °C.
Patscherkofel Ropeway Section ILift opened
Patscherkofel Ropeway Section IILift opened
Rope Tow PatscherkofelLift opened
Heiligwasser LiftLift opened
ConveyorLift opened
Kids LiftLift opened
Rope Tow IglsLift opened

1Olympic runSlope opened
2World Cup slopeSlope opened
3Family descentSlope opened
3aFamily descentSlope opened
4Giant slalom race courseSlope opened
5Olympic runSlope opened
5aOlympic runSlope opened
6Family descentSlope opened
6aFamily descentSlope opened
6bFamily descent (Access Olympic run)Slope closed
6cFamily descentSlope opened
7Heiligwasser slopeSlope opened
8Heiligwasser slopeSlope opened
9Heiligwasser slopeSlope opened
10Kofele's children's landSlope opened
10aKofele's children's landSlope opened
11Practice Meadow IglsSlope opened

Training and Race courses at Patscherkofel

Racing passion on the olympic and world cup mountain
Training and Race courses at Patscherkofel

General and special route options

The Patscherkofel offers ideal conditions for ski training and competition preparation. The versatile training and racing routes on Innsbruck's local mountain include both permanently available routes and customised routes on request - perfect for athletes and teams who want to improve their performance. Whether for regular training or special race preparations, the routes on the Patscherkofel enable targeted and challenging training in the midst of an impressive mountain backdrop.


Course "RTL Race Track"

  • Location: Patscherkofelbahn mountain station

  • Availability: 8.30 am - 4.00 pm

  • Description: suitable for RTL, slalom, SG. For races the track can be optionally extended to just before the middle station of the Patscherkofel lift

  • Details: course length up to 800 m, difference in altitude up to 200 m

Slope 8-9 on the Heiligwasserwiese.

  • Location: Heiligwasserlift top station

  • Availability: Tuesday 8.30 am - 4.00 pm, Thursday: 8.30 am - 6.30 pm

  • Description: suitable for RTL, Slalom

  • Details: course length up to 450m, difference in altitude 100 m

On request

Slope "Olympiaabfahrt" suitable for RTL, slalom

Location: Top station to just before the middle station of the Patscherkofel cable car

**"World Cup slope" suitable for RTL, slalom

  • Location:** top station of the Patscherkofel lift to the entrance to the Olympic run

Slope "Alter Soldat" suitable for RTL, Slalom, SG

Description: Piste section Alter Soldat between middle and bottom station of the Patscherkofel cable car

Slope Division Season 2024/2025